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Abrir Archivo Encriptado Pdf File

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Google Translate:'Hello I would like to know how to open the file but from a relative path in the project and it is not an absolute path in the computer, try this:Sello.CertificateData (@ '/ Keys / micertificado.cer', out certificate, out Certified number);But you can not find the file.' Relative paths depend on the environment: for a 'normal' application any path starting with '.' Is relative to the current directory./Keys/micertificado.cer - D:/MyProjects/MyApp/Binary/Release/Keys/micertificado.cerAnd '.'

Abrir Archivos Xml


Indicates the directory above././Keys/micertificado.cer - D:/MyProjects/MyApp/Keys/micertificado.cerFor a web based app, you can use '.' , but they are relative to the page folder, and you should really try to use Server.MapPath and ' which indicates the root folder of your website.


Como Abrir Archivos Pdf

Server.MapPath translates a 'fixed relative' address to a path specification:/Keys/micertificado.cer - D:/Websites/MySite/Keys/micertificado.cer. Hi, I really Thank you for the answer.What I am doing is a desktop application, and what I want is for my keys to be loaded into a specific path at the time of installing the application, so that no matter where the computer is installed, I can find my key files (.key and.cer).Already try what you proposed, however still does not find the files, what is tried is the following:sello.CertificateData(@'./Llaves/micertificado.cer', out certificado, out numeroCertificado);Andsello.CertificateData(@'/Llaves/micertificado.cer', out certificado, out numeroCertificado);Can you help me? Siboneis 25-Feb-Feb-14 13:29Hola Antonio,Sin dudas es el mejor articulo que he visto, sin contar que este proceso es muy especifico.Respecto a la duda que tengo, para generar la firma digital de las constancias de retenciones a Empleados, no he encontrado una forma de leer la llave Privada uilizando los archivos.CER y/o.KEY, para llevar acabo la enriptacion RSA.Creo que estoy un tanto/mucho confundido de la manera de leer esta llave, realmente te agradeceria mucho Tu consejo al respecto.Gracias de antemano por la ayuda.